I’m writing a blog post right now, and totally jamming to a concert on AXS – All My Friends: Celebrating the Songs and Voice of Gregg Allman. Man this show is amazing, you need to check it out. Perfect for a cold dreary Sunday morning – jamming out, drinking coffee, cuddling with Fred the Dog, and writing.
If I’m working and plowing through things, Rush is my go-to music, and I’ve also been going to The Pretty Reckless.
So what’s your go-to working/writing music?
Since I couldn’t embed the YouTube clip, here is a picture of Fred the Dog chillaxin to the Allman Bros music.
Punk music for serious focus (I can tune it out). Pop music from the 90’s to current for reading emails/ articles.
Rush is pretty much a go to, and I have pretty much everything they’ve made so even on random it’s a mainstay. R40 was just released, hope I get it for Christmas! 🙂
Aside from Rush/random, I split my time between Amazon Music’s Power Rock (people are pissing me off) and Top EDM/Techno (coding or anything else “in the groove”). Aside from the well known artists like Foo Fighters, Chevelle, Deadmau5, etc., I pull up some niche artists like Our Lady Peace or Kavinsky and Justice (though they’re not on the Prime Stations to my knowledge).
On rare occasions, I’ll fire up classical. If you have Amazon Prime, check out their classic albums. There’s an entirely free album of 40 hours of Tchaikovsky pieces, the entire Die Walkure opera (where Flight of the Valkyries comes from), tons of famous movie soundtracks and themes like 2001, Superman, and even the entirety of John William’s original Star Wars scores. I find that while techno may be my typical coding music, classical works very well too, as it’s mostly serene and void of any lyrics.
OMG I forgot all about OLP — need to listen to them on spotify like right now!