This post cross-posted from the EMC Proven Professional Community on the EMC Community Network.
I missed writing the round-up last week – did y’all miss me? So this week you get an extra-beefy round-up!
Here are some of the highlights from the past week in the ProvenĀ Professional Community:
Community Announcements
- If you participated in the World Wide Proven Professional Day 2010 online event, we finally got your shirts in! We also shipped them out, so I’m hoping to see lots of #redshirt picture very soon!
For those of you who are new to the community, every year at EMC World, one day is designated as the Proven Professional day. We announce the winners of our Knowledge Sharing article competition, and every Proven Professional in attendance wears the same color Proven Professional polo shirt. This year we thought – hey we interact with lots of Proven Professionals who may not be able to make it to EMC World, how can we include everyone in the Proven Professional day celebrations? And World Wide Proven Professional Day was born! This being our first year, we learned some lessons about getting prizes out to everyone…so we’ll see what we do for World Wide Proven Day in 2011. - Are you a SourceOne guru? There was a new SourceOne Microsoft SharePoint Administrator credential announced. Check it out here.
- We have someone new in the Proven Spotlight – Rajaneesh Sasidharan. Go read his story and say hi to him here.
- There were 3 new Knowledge Sharing articles released today as well. Topics include multi-homing for Networker, how to build a knowledge management system, and how to shrink CLARiiON luns. If you are a Proven Professional, or if you have a Powerlink account, find the articles in the August section of the Publication Schedule document.
- Did you complete the ECN Survey? What are you waiting for? Someone’s gonna win an iPAD!!!
August 4 EMC Live Webcast – Solving the Information Storage Challenge
The next EMC Live Webcast about Solving the Information Storage Challenge is August 4. Hope to “see” you there! Registration details here.
Blogs of interest to Proven Professionals
- Cloud:
- On Brian Power’s Power Windows blog, guest blogger Dominick Dequarto ponders To cloud or not to cloud.…A nice post on the new challeges today’s data center managers face.
- Jas Dhalliwal of EMC Consulting continues the famous-quote-as-a-blog-post-title theme with Ask not what you can do for your cloud, but what your cloud can do for you! Interesting post on the impact clouds (public and private) have on applications.
- Grace Mollison of EMC Consulting has a really interesting post about using Cloudwatch to manage an AWS environment
- Storagezilla links to a well-documented real world Atmos application. If you are wondering what cloud computing means from a technical application point of view, you may want to check this out.
- VMware:
- VMworld is coming up – if you can’t make it, follow the tweets of those who are attending the conference
- Simon Phillip of EMC Consulting has an interesting post about VMware HA file locking
- Gregg’s blog has a wrap-up of the most interesting articles in the VMware universe
- The chief Virtual Geek posted a calendar of upcoming EMC/VMware webcasts.
- New bloggers:
- The “Storage Anarchist” introduced a new EMC blogger – the Storage Savvy blog. What does everyone think – should we add this blog to the Favorite Blogs list?
What were you up to this week?
We are 1/3 of the way through Q3. I know for a fact several of you are studying for certification exams. Keep the questions coming, we’re here for you! For you old-timers, feel free to jump in and encourage folks who are prepping to become Proven Professionals this quarter!
That’s all I have for this week. Keep safe, and we’ll do it again next week!