Tag Archives: idle no more
The seductive power of distraction |
dis·trac·tion /disˈtrakSHən/ Noun A thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else. A diversion or recreation. We live in incredible times. We have this incredible technology – one that is increasingly affordable to everyone – that has … Continue reading
Dig beyond the hype to understand the Idle No More movement
Posted by in indian issues
Tagged Canadian First Nations, idle no more, information importers
This is going to be a hard post to write. I’m writing it after watching this video by Ezra Levant (a Canadian political pundit who really sounds like the guys on Fox news). I watched it because my friend OB … Continue reading
Repost: Information stewardship: the only answer to information importers |
I am trying to figure out how to talk about the connections I see between colonialism, industrialization, the lie of democratization in open source, the women in tech issue, and the increasing class divide in our country. I have been … Continue reading