We create our own realities

Posted by Gina Rosenthal in meditation | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

I’ve always been the type of person whose mind just refuses to settle down. It’s always going, thinking, planning, imagining. I think that’s why I’m addicted to lists….I think of all this stuff to do and in my head it’s awesome…but if it doesn’t make it to paper it never happens because I’m always thinking and planning. Infinite loop. 🙂

I started meditating a few months ago, and I’m getting better at calming my mind, about just *being* in the current moment. This morning, one thing I thought on is how we create our own realities. It’s so easy to be swept away with the emotion of the moment, perhaps a moment created by someone else’s reality. One thing I love about meditation is that it’s taught me to understand what it means to live in the moment. Living in the moment is not all f*** it, YOLO!!!

Living in the moment means not getting so swamped by things that have happened to you in the past that you can’t move forward. It also means not deciding in advance what people are going to say and do to you in the future. It means you accept the past, don’t try to plan the future, and appreciate what is going on with you right in this moment.

It’s so easy to forget that we are responsible for our emotions, our realities.  Y’all we get to create that reality, how awesome is that! We can say no thank you to any drama that may be put in our path, that doesn’t have to be our reality. And that is cool because if you sidestep realities you don’t want.. you can use all that energy on creating a world where you want to live.

Just wanted to share my crazy epiphany on this cold November morning. Y’all create something awesome today! 🙂

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