Here are some of the highlights from the past week in the Proven Professional Community:
Miss a past issue of the Proven Professional Update?
Not to worry! We’ve posted them in the Proven Professionals Only community!
The exam team has updated the exam building workshop/review schedule
If you are a Proven Professional, why not help us write/review new revisions of the Proven Professional certification exams?
What do you do once you have passed the EMCISA?
We had a couple of community members ask this question this week. What do you think? Go share your experience here or here. Or if you have a totally different request for help, please start a new discussion!
Blogs of interest to Proven Professionals
- EMC Consulting has posted some open positions
- Cloud
- Chad Sakac has pointed out that many solutions docs are available on, including the one he posted on View 4.5 via NFS/FAST Cache on Vblock 1
- EMC Replication Enabler for Exchange and Microsoft Hyper-V from Dustin Smith from the Exchange in the Private Cloud blog
- Nice post from SharePoint in the Private Cloud that touches on the silos that exist currently in the data center (and how we’re gonna have to do something about that as we virtualize everything!)
- vChat from VMworld Europe was about the lab in the cloud
- vSpecialist Scott Lowe also does a tech roundup!
- Storagezilla has a post about security and encryption
- Just starting out your career in information and storage management? Read Chuck’s post about backups to get some insights on why you need to learn how to do lots more than just configure the backup software your company is using.
- Steve Todd has a post on how EMC engineering is working to “componetize” things
What were you up to this week?
I know for sure lots of you are studying – let us know if you need any help! And be sure to answer requests for help from your fellow community members, that is what this is all about!
That’s all I have for this week. Keep safe, and we’ll do it again next week!