I’m writing this from the Dell Storage Forum Fluid Blogger’s Lounge. We still have some set up to do – the hotel IT guys are here right now setting up some ethernet drops for us. We should be ready to rock and roll tomorrow morning!
I thought I’d take a minute to share some of the great posts folks have made as they are getting ready to come out to Orlando, and then let y’all know what we’ll be doing today, on the official Day 1 of the Dell Storage Forum.
Preview Reviews
- Lance from the Dell Tech Center got ready by looking back at last year’s Dell Storage Forum.
- I talked about the social media plans for the Storage Forum, the Tweet of the Day contest, and plans for #SANchat live on Wednesday.
- Jonathan Franconi aka @s1xth has a pre-show post, and has a #dellsf11 image gallery started on his blog.
- Roger Lund aka @rogerlund helped educate the community pre-show on EqualLogic and Compellent basics…I may need to introduce him to some of the Dell PowerEdge folks who are here this week though!
- The @infosmack crew had one of the first pre Dell Storage Forum posts
- @stu of Wikibon has a post about their Cube TV appearance
Let me know if I missed your post!
Events on-deck for Day 1 – June 5
If you are here at the Dell Storage Forum today, you are here for training. Tonight from 6 – 9 is the Fluid Fix welcome reception at the House of Blues in Downtown Disney (don’t forget your badge!).
New events and general reminders
- Storagebeers is Monday night, not to be confused with the #dsftweetup Tuesday night. No excuse for not getting out and being social – IRL!
- The official hashtag is #dellsf11 🙂
- If you have a blog post, feel free to share on our Facebook Fan page.