I’m neck deep in content development. Taking a break to blog, because I am stuck and I need to write about something different than virtualization, RPOs and RTOs. 🙂
I’ve been stuck since this weekend. So it was easy for me to follow a cool shiny ball tossed out on Twitter by Colin McNamara:
If you know me, you know I’m into training, and I’m interested in OpenStack. What you may not know is that I use Trello for work.
I’m a product marketer at Dell, and my team has been busy working through loads of tasks to pull six discreet products from three different companies into one Data Protection portfolio. This involves rebranding content, creating content, combining content, supporting sales and partner groups, and all sorts of events. For six products. There are A LOT of tasks, and our team is pretty small.
So we’ve been organizing our backlog into sprints, and using Trello to keep those sprints on task. It was really interesting to see Colin using the same tool for his OpenStack training initiative. He told me about Kanban, which is a really cool process for getting stuff done. Our team has been talking about using a tool to keep things organized, I suggested github. OpenStack is using Launchpad. Very interesting to see the different tools that are being used  for pretty much the same approach in organizing content-based tasks.
I love that my group uses these dev tools to manage our workflows. Â This also reminds me of my brief time at a startup – there are neat dev tools but sometimes it seems like the tools are born from people’s experiences suffering through bad process. I wonder if open source folk realize not everyone manages projects poorly – and that there is probably lots to gain by bringing experience of enterprise-wise folks with with cool new open source tools.
Hopefully I can write more about how we’re using this soon!