Twitter Job Aid – work in progress

Posted by Gina Rosenthal in Uncategorized | 7 Comments

Looking for a little feedback here…

I’m using my lunch break tomorrow to help some folks set up Twitter accounts. This is not the first time I’ve done this, so I decided to put together a job aide for people.

Its definitely 101 level for Twitter, just how basics of how to get an account, set it up, and look for people to follow.

You can download it here.

I do not like the second page…so it needs some polish I know. Someone suggested adding in something about shortening URLs, so I did (sort of). Any other suggestions?


7 Responses to Twitter Job Aid – work in progress

  1. gminks says:

    Updated it ( thanks for the suggestion Smith_Cameron!) 😉 and now I like the second page better.

  2. MadKat97 says:

    Gina –
    Great start. A couple of suggestions.
    1. mention the preview feature that tinyurl offers.

    2. why not go ahead and list the full command set as documented on It’s only about 3 or 4 more commands. At least link to the help page.

    3. Not Protecting your updates: good for business, maybe not so much for individuals. Think before you tweet!

  3. Dave says:

    Overall this is a nice intro. I think the biggest confusion with twitter is in categorizing it. Comparisons to blogging and IM can be useful but also lead to confusion. Your own settings (whether to view your networks’ @replies to people outside your network, for example) and others’ settings (protected vs. not) can really change the equation and “getting” all that in one sit-down can be a bit overwhelming.

    Let’s see, what else might be worth mentioning? Before you follow anyone, make sure your avatar and bio are set. Otherwise people will ignore you.

    This part was confusing to me: “Follow: In order to see other the tweets of other people without searching for them, you have to Follow them” … not really true. You can explore the twitter universe just like the traditional web, and end up in anybody’s update stream. You can also view the raw stream of realtime tweets. The wording could be a bit tighter.

    Typo: tweetss is in there once.

  4. gminks says:

    Madkat – thanks I have had a couple emails that make me think I need to do a 201 version of this

    Dave – you are right! gah good points…thx for catching the typos.

  5. mike_fishman says:

    I really enjoyed this.

    we need a 201.

    Then we need Tweeter’s Anonymous.

    I found a typo – sorry 🙂 – page 2
    “Follow: In order to see other the tweets of other people without searching

  6. mike_fishman says:

    You still need a caution w/link to T.A. – Tweeter’s Anonymous.

  7. Pingback: Getting Twitter | Craig's Musings

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