There is a post out there right now about Edupunk, and how they are upset that corporate LMSs. The comment that caught my eye:
“My bias has been for a long time that an LMS is sold by and sold to senior levels in an organization, and doesn’t often involve the people who are directly trying to create better learning within the organization.”
Then I saw this link about the differences between higher ed and corporate ed. Although I disagree with #10 – I complain. 🙂
Tony Karrer picks up on the conversation, and mentions that at some point trainers are going to end up in the middle of this issue, in between users who are already using 2.0 tools in their personal learning environments and the official, corporate LMS.
So how do we design so that students can use the tools they use to learn everything else when they come to corporate training classes? I am not sure yet. I have more ideas on how to design collaborative elearning assets. I am learning stuff at school – let’s see if I am able to implement.
Back in the day of CSCW, there was (is?) a notion of a matrix consisting of (now, here) (versus, say, (! now, here), or (! now, ! here)[which, by the way, defines asynchronous distance learning]. The ? is: where does 2.0 fit in this model? For education, I’d say (! now, ! here): for training, it’s more like (now, ! here). Makes a difference.
why does it have to be now !here for training too? Can’t it be !here !now?
And why are you such a geek? 🙂
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As I mentioned in a comment on Tony’s blog and even posted on my own, I do not know where all these learners are, as I do not see many of them in corporate or academic settings.
Jeff, I see them, but I see just as many who don’t see the need for new tools. They say: “We have email, we have message boards, why reinvent the wheel?”
If I can show them how the tools have made info sharing easier, then they get it. The problem then becomes that the benefit the new improved tools bring is that they give us the ability to share and change and learn together. How can you share if hardly anyone is using those new tools?