Cool New Stuff from Iomega

Posted by Gina Rosenthal in emc | Tagged , | Leave a comment

EMC (the company I work for) is the parent company of Iomega. Iomega released some cool stuff those of you who are educators may really like.

Storagezilla (another EMC blogger) explains Iomega v.Clone over on his blog. Its for Iomega USB devices, it basically allows you to clone your laptop, take the cloned image on your USB drive to another computer someplace else, and access all your applications, docs, movies, images, oh I don’t know that Camtasia video or Articulate eLearning module you are working on, etc on a remote computer. When you are done, just unplug the Iomega USB device. When you get home, sync up all the changes you made on the remote computer.

Sounds like a pretty cool tool if you are on the road training all the time!

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