This post is cross-posted from a post in the EMC Proven Professional Community on ECN.
EMC Announcements
There were many announcements, but probably one of the biggest was the VPLEX announcement. Bas Raayman has a great wrap-up of that specific announcement, and Christopher Kusek has a nice wrap-up of many of the other announcements.
World Wide Proven Professional Day
I was excited to see all the ways people were spending Proven Professional Day. In case you missed it, go check out the Flickr pictures that everyone uploaded! It was also great to hear what people were doing on this thread. We had over 30 entries from 10 countries – it was a truly global event! We heard from people from Australia, India, the US, Italy, Egypt – all over the place!
We even gave away raffle prizes to 2 remote participants during the event in Boston.
On this day in Boston, everyone was wearing a red shirt – every where you looked. As people filed in to the room for the Knowledge Sharing Ceremony, we were displaying a Twitter stream using TweetChat. I was amazed at the people tweeting that I didn’t know!
One of my favorite moments was during this TwitterChat, someone made fun of the shirts, reminding us all what happens to the people who wore red shirts in Star Trek. What did the community do? Rallied behind the shirts, creating the hashtag #redshirts. I just love geeks!!
Read about the winners of the Knowledge Sharing Awards in this thread. Check out the pictures on Flickr: [Set 1] [Set 2] We also have videos from EMC World on YouTube.
Securing Storage in the Cloud
Community member Charlie Brooks gave a great Birds of a Feather session: Securing Storage in the face of V12n and The Cloud. He has posted his slides, go check them out and join the discussion.
Managing Storage: Trends, Challenges and Options 2010 – 2011
Alok Shrivistava gave his annual presentation about the results of our survey of storage managers and storage professionals. My notes from the presentation are here. The study is available from this page.
You can check out our wrap ups from EMC World as well: [Day 1] [Day 2] [Day 3]
What about you?
What did you see at EMC World? Did you like having the chance to participate remotely if you couldn’t make it to Boston? Should we do that again?
Does anyone have links, pictures or videos I missed?