With my 2 launches in November, and Dell World, I forgot all about #vDM30in30. It is a challenge from Greg Ferro (aka @etherealmind) to quit complaining about the state of social media and get back to blogging – 30 posts in the 30 days of Novemeber. Since I’m starting on the 10th, if I do 2 a day I’ll be caught up by the 18th – so I’m going to try it. I guess this is one down, 29 to go!
I’m sure what I write is going to be a mix of personal and professional, I hardly write about my day job here but I think it would be good to have a few things here and not just on one of the Dell blogs. Also, it is college football season and my team is undefeated, so this is fair warning to the UF and Miami fans. 🙂
Also, in the US it’s Native American history month. IÂ will probably have things to say on that topic too. Maybe I’ll start there, with this tweet. Since (I believe) the genesis of the idea for #vDM30in30 was about getting back to creating and connecting, I give you this from First Nations artist Aaron Paquette:
Welcome aboard – have added to my RSS reader and looking forward to your content !
Thanks Greg! Let’s see if I can stick to it and catch up. 🙂